You guys are in love with the rush that accompanies destruction.
LIke throwing stones to break windows.
If you succeed in destroying democracy - which is what you're about - well, there's an end to the dissolute abuses of American empire and that's not a bad thing.
I would rather it be otherwise, but you guys might get your way.
Just keep kissing Putin's ass. And do nothing to prohibit his electoral meddling.
Real patriots y'all.
Here learn something.
"Pentagon Concerned Russia Cultivating Sympathy Among US Troops," Voice Of America
Trump Is A National Security Threat: What Should We Do About It?
U.S. Generals View Of Trump
Trump's Clinically Unhinged "Toilet Rant" Recalls Lady MacBeth's "Out Damned Spot!"
For 3 Years "Deaths Of Despair" Have Cratered Life Expectancy; U.S. Is Only Such Country
(Thanks for helping me spread the word.)