So tiresome. Quid pro quo is either "fine" or "not okay". Wtf kind of reasoning is that? Why is everything black and white with you people? Maybe it's a side effect of having identity politics constantly beat into your mind...Nuance is dead i guess. Do you care to understand the entire situation with anything? I guess the standard issue DNC approved talking points served up CNN is enough for you. I'll save you the time to reply with your whataboutism.....Buuuuut, buuuuuut Fox News!...conservatives do it tooo! whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
You've got six hours to fire the investigator building a case against the corrupt board my deadbeat loser son sits on for 83K a month. Otherwise, no billion dollars. That's totally cool with you. Nothing to see there. Hilarious that the entire base of the Democratic party is so go***amn naive that they actually believe the people they elect are fighting for them...."the little guy" "the working class"..."the unprivileged". They are the epitome of the very people they hold up as villains during their campaigns and their twisted policies routinely fail to increase the standard of living for their constituents. But the beat goes on and their voters keep electing them, round and round we go...there will always be a big bad selfish republican business person to blame for everything! New election, same BS pie in the sky promises of how we could all be living in utopia if it weren't for the selfish capitalist white male republicans!
Paper towels? Nope, just a bunch of Ukrainian's huddled around a barrel fire, covered in warm blankets with MRE all over their faces and nothing to wipe it off with. It was a sad, dirty time.
"It was their money. We gave it back to them" Nice robotic, lifeless statement you made there. So, that's enough information on the topic for you, you've boiled the entire thing down too...Iranian money held by USA...BAAAAAAD, giving it "back"....GOOOOOOD! In your mind, it doesn't matter why we seized those assets. Irrelevant. Also irrelevant that Obama acted unilaterally, like a dictator in that instance too. Total end-run around Congress, air dropped pallets of cash to terrorists who's leaders and citizens chant Death to America, USA is the great Satan. It was all sooooo righteous in your mind.