No idea what you're going on about.
I didn't accuse you, I asked you a question.
You got way over the top defensive to the point of dragging up some deliriously wonderful nonsense from an entire year & a half ago which had the site's Alt Righties popping a rod thinking I was half the site - ALL the ones that dislike Trump (except maybe OM) and some of the Alt Righties as well.
Kinda got boring after a while, but memes, secret threads, Palringo, and an entire stream (Beyond the Comments) that was supposed to be secret but wasn't (nor were the secret meme threads. Yes, I saw them also) not only didn't manage to get rid of me, it lead to those dumbass fanbois exhausting & embarrassing themselves to the point that most are gone from this site.
You want to get that ball rolling in order to distract from you 'not' being Toby, sure, go ahead. Been getting quiet round here. Of course your whataboutvagaism will totally convince everyone that Toby is me, not you, so... yaya,,,