'That's correct'
But what about the areas where abortion is illegal?
'You're confusing legal with moral. Even if slavery is legal in North Korea, that doesn't mean it's moral. That just means it's legal there. Just like in the Bible. Slavery was legal in ancient Israel, but it was immoral. And your god never once prohibited slavery outright.'
I am not the one who is confused. You are saying that since abortion is legal in some areas, it is not baby murder, but since slavery is legal in North Korea, it is perfectly fine. Also, why is slavery more moral than abortion when both are legal in some areas and illegal in others. And he is not 'my God'. He is our God.
'That's your opinion. Some people agree with you, and some people don't.
It is not opinion, it is fact. It is alive.
'An embryo can't feel pain and isn't viable outside the womb. A baby, child and teenager can feel pain and can survive outside the womb.'
A baby, child and some teenagers cannot reproduce, but adults can. Should that mean that they deserve different rights?
'A stage where it can't survive outside the womb, can't feel pain, and isn't even close to fully developed. That makes a huge difference.'
You admitted that it cannot 'survive', and to survive, the being in question must have been alive in the first place. So you admit that they are alive. Also, babies cannot survive without constant care, so should it be legal to murder a baby that has exited the womb?