So that's what you meant by not practicing what I preach; when I called those arguments "stupid" and "cowardly". I think I've got it now. I call those arguments stupid for several reasons, one of them is the reliance on double standards. I call them cowardly because they tend to be used by people who single out Christianity for criticism when the criticized behaviors found among Christians are also found among people of other religions and the non-religious.
Loving someone doesn't mean never saying things that offend them if and of itself. People take offence at different things; a junkie can consider it offensive if a doctor or family member tells them they have an unhealthy addiction they need to get rid of. The only people who've been insulted here are the ones who mistakenly thought I was tarring all atheists with the same brush, you and (I suspect) atheists who didn't like that I pointed how just how wrong those arguments presented in the meme are. I want people to call out my arguments and have discussions, like we're doing now. The only problem was I misunderstood your initial point. Though I guess some of my memes, for all the valid arguments, are returning fire after people make similarly offensive memes about Christianity or religion. I'll think about presentation, but my argument and this meme still stands.