Dang, missed the comment below a year ago,,,
Yeah, the system wouldn't allow for the accent mark in ''soufflé'' - and I tried and tried via the tablet and even copypasting - so ''Souffle'' had to do.
And yes, Vagabond was partly in reference to muh Punk roots going way back, but also in general connotations of the word, as in partly self-depricating as well, or even rabble rousing, etc.
I knew someone who went by ''Hooligan,'' so that wouldn't do.
I considered ''Ruffian'' which someone from Rough Trade USA division signed a letter to an order I placed with [''a fellow ruffian,''] a gazillion years ago, but ''RuffianSouffle'' didn't have quite the right ring to it.
Vaga, or rather, Vag, is also a bit of a personal joke from a forum on another site having to do with va**nas.
Soufflé likewise had to do with gender-ness, as in ''Real men don't like quiche,'' and a play on the snooty daintiness of it as well as with chefs, etc.
So basically a ridiculous sorta pretentious self-depricating rebellious grunt with an overlay of quasi-fem/gay-ish arrogant flair.
Thanks for the appreciation and analysis of it, sorry about the delay,,,