If they bury stories about people on the left, where did I find out about Biden's verbal gaffes, or Harris' flip-flop on Medicare for all? Unlike the Democrats, Trump courts negative press because it plays into his victim narrative. Many in his base feel they are victims because of their religious beliefs or similar issue. None of the rest of us get our way all the time, and we have learned to cope with that. These "victims," want to force their beliefs on everyone else and don't cope well when they are denied the opportunity. The Republican party made many promises over the years, but never delivered. I suspect Trump is stringing them along also, but in a louder voice. He wants that voice heard and reported on. Since he is the President, the news media complies and reports on all the extreme things he says and does. Since the majority of people are against putting kids in cages where some of them die, his actions make him look bad. I have heard your argument all my adult life. Nixon was great for blaming the press, to garner support from people who wanted organized school prayer and God in the public school curriculum. They have been selling this same line to the same people for decades. If they ever did what they promised to do, they would have to develop a new act. They rely on the news media to tell their story the way they package it.