It isn't just Realclearpolitics, It's dozens of left and right publications. Nice try. You only read left leaning articles you agree with.
You're ignoring what liberals and Conservatives alike are saying to fit your idiotic narrative.
So now you're saying no liberals go to church, No liberals are pro gun. You get more desperate with every reply.
Let's use your liberal logic:
Purge 1, Wealthy White privileged family under siege from Democrat socialists pissed off that their shelters aren't as good as the wealthy shelters.
The Purgers are Liberals.
Purge Anarchy. The majority of Purgers wear masks, Antifa style. The main character is a cop. Liberals believe Cops wake up, Hoping to shoot Black and Brown people. No way bloodthirsty racist cops will pass up that opportunity. Oh wait... It didn't happen.
Cop tells the women in his group. If they want to survive, He's the boss. I'm surprised he didn't force the feeble women to make him sammiches. Damn misogynist.
Again the Purgers are Liberals, With basement dwelling left wingers.
Election year. Same cop, Gets promoted. White privilege. Always keeping Black men down.
Still ordering everyone around, Including a female Senator. Patriarchy strikes again. The Twist ending , The Gubment wants the Senator dead. The Gubment knows whats best. They'll fix everything no matter what or who it costs. geeeeee, who does that sound like.
Liberals are the Purgers.
The politicians attempting to kill the Senator are Democrats. They attack a defame anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda. President Trump, Kavanagh, And Sara Sanders come to mind.
1st Purge, Easily manipulated half-wits are offered FREE MONEY to participate in a Gubment run experiment called The Purge. Right wingers don't trust the Gubment. REMEMBER. We're all paranoid conspiracy fear mongers.
Liberals start The Purge.
Saying your narrative is idiotic isn't name calling. It's pointing out your narrative is idiotic.
Epic fail.