I don't care what Biden or anyone says. It is impossible to take away America's guns.
It would take reinstituting the draft, just to get enough armed forces to go house to house, confiscating weapons from citizens across the entire country. Some would not give them up and there would be armed conflict. THIS ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN! EVER.
It doesn't matter what they call the weapons. (Those who don't know what to call them) If they call them military style or assault style or bang bang sticks. Normal people don't want others walking the streets with 30rd, 50rd or 100rd mags attached to guns that can fire in rapid succession.
This is really pretty simple stuff. It needs to stop. If it isn't outlawed it will be relegated to people who won't be real members of our society. At my local lumber yard yesterday, within about 10 sec of the start of a conversation a man said as he walked out the door, "all democrats should be shot". (not to me)
At some point in the not too distant future, this man won't find work for his business, his kids won't have friends over and he'll be relegated to only hanging out with like minded people who should be out in the sticks somewhere dragging their knuckles on rocks. People are sick of it.
If people who own guns can't step up and become responsible with them, try to find solutions, the rest of society will move them to second class citizen status. Switzerland has no problem with guns and they have loads of them. Their people know how to be responsible. In America, it's a free-for-all for idiots who don't know how to spell their name correctly.