I'd have no problem with 'Common Sense Gun Laws' if the Proposed Laws actually Made Sense...
ie. the new thing (or new old thing) is "Raise the Age to 21 to Buy a Gun"...
Barring a select Few, most of of these omnicidal asshats have been over 21... the Vegas whackjob was 50? (he also had a Pilot's License and Owned two planes, IIRC, find a way to take his guns, and he'd have just as easily gone kamikaze)
- the 'Bump-stock ban' borne of that same moose knuckle did more to advertise the existence of the Bump stock in the first place than it did to take them away from 'bad actors'
- the Idea about 'mental health Screenings' sounds great until you remember HIPAA and that involving a Medical Diagnosis in a Purchase, means exposing one's Medical Records to non-medical Personnel, that's the definition of Slippery Slope
take all of that and Write a Law Banning a Specific Weapon, That only Applies to 'That' Weapon without allowing for 'over reach' and abuse, and can't be, mis-applied to other weapons on a whim
FFS the bulk of (Non Strawman) arguments about 2nd Amendment come down to the Semantics of 'Regulated", "Militia" and even the Value of the Comma between 'state' and 'the right...'
- You don't think the wording of an 'Assault Weapons Ban' won't be twisted to be as broad as illogically possible?