hard to know, either its just people slowly going bad, or its an effect of chemicals people think the government is putting in foods and water or its all faked by someone or the government to make more gun laws and eventually make everyone in the us defenseless, perfect time for the anti christ to bring war on out nation
Once the public finally realizes that the government isn't gonna do anything worthwhile to curb these shootings, they may take the next step: ARM THEMSELVES!
What more can the government really do except for take away our right to own guns? Even then, that won't do anything but disarm law abiding citizens. There are already hundreds, if not thousands, of gun laws that these people are breaking. There are already laws against murder. Is creating any more laws going to stop those who are breaking them to begin with?
If you really want to notice something, democrats were getting in trouble with a pedophile. There was also incidences where democrats were getting in trouble with other things before other mass shootings during the Obama presidency. Maybe these shootings are being orchestrated to distract the people from what government officials are actually doing so they can try to pass laws based off of people's current emotions instead of what is actually needed.
Sadly all those reasons are a very real possibility on this screwed up planet !
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The perpetrator's motive is to have fifteen or so minutes of fame, so no one will forget them. Then they either die or get imprisoned by law enforcement. Most likely the shooters were neglected as children and did not have a happy childhood.
P.S: All of the shooters I've seen in the news have this description: Young white male, and their ages, if stated, are normally 21.
If we're being honest, most of these men had a GREAT childhood with loving parents who didn't beat their asses! Most of the kids I grew up with who got into the most trouble were raised by parents who spoiled them. And teens are the meanest people on Earth, dude!
So the nicer the parents are, the more the juvies wanna rebel, screw up and wind up in jail to be picked up by the parents
1 up, 6y
That's true. A kid was spoiled by his parents in my school, so he tried to rob me!
...Consider two memes I did before on one such incident. They don't have to convince you, but I know from observation you're a thinking person - and I believe if you're truly intellectually honest, they should make you at least significantly uncomfortable.