Sure, it's seemingly racist, if all you do is believe the "analysis" by the left controlled media, who like to use calling others racist as a tool to deceive others into believing they're not racist.
But peel away one layer of the onion to realize that all he said was before trying to tell others how to fix problems in the US, maybe they should show that they know how to fix those same problems in the countries from which they fled, to come to a better country, right?
If you can remove your own racist perspective, and evaluate the substance, it's as simple as saying a person shouldn't tell others how to do something if they don't know how to do it themselves.
Yes, Trump is a horrible communicator (imo).
Real progress will be made in this country, when we produce a leader who can say these things in a common sense way, and communicate clearly, without racism (perceived or otherwise) being an issue, while explaining their point view. Do that, and it will become clear that it's others who are playing the race card, in nothing more than a desperate attempt to sway the ignorant to their point of view.
Again, just my $0.02