I'll try once again to explain and simplify how a bill is passed in America so a retarded person like you will understand.
To pass a bill you need 9 votes, The House consists of 10 people voting to pass a bill. There are 7 people with an IQ above room temperature, and 3 retarded people like you.
The majority are the people with an IQ above room temperature. The minority are the retards like you
The 7 people with an IQ above room temperature vote Yea, That means 2 votes are needed from the retards, The retards vote Nay. The bill fails to pass, The Senate with the majority of people with an IQ above room temperature never get a chance to vote. The President never gets the bill to either sign or veto.
That... makes no sense and proves nothing except that the Dems seem to see a Crisis at the border now.
They see it now, It only took Democrats a year to stop lying about the crisis/
And the Dems stopped lying at the exact time the Democrat debates began. What a coincidence. The main debate topic was how do Democrats plan to help illegal immigrants, Not how do Democrats plan to help American citizens who voted them into office. And here you are, A non American citizen cheering for Democrats who lied to about the border crisis for a year. It seems the Democrat plan worked on the retards I cited in my previous explanation.
Yeah but from what I read (FoxNews and NYT) Border Patrol is severly lacking in, training, equipment, maintainace and generally unable to effectively maintain itself. How do you solve that? New Competent leadership and a Budget increase
Lets use the retard explanation once again.
The facilities were built to house a hundred illegal immigrant. One thousand illegal immigrants are detained and housed. A house built to hold 100 cannot sustain one thousand. Getting new leadership doesn't change basic math. Increasing the budget doesn't solve the problem. Should I use the retard explanation again to explain why? A child with basic math skills can figure it out, But a retard living in Germany using Google can't.