I'm pleased that you continue to reveal the truth of yourself as you attempt to destroy genuine American foundations, while promoting your own UN-American foundations. Your ideas are flawed, and you can't pretend to love this nation while promoting hate toward the energies that built this nation.. therefor Octopod, this meme really SUCKS, because the President in my opinion, is stimulating one's realization to be aware that the 4th celebration *IS* about them. This meme implies the President is presenting a parade to be all about himself. He isn't. This meme presents typical twisted destructive Democrat constructs of logic and verbiage, and once again, we find ourselves at that place in my message where I say F**K YOU, Octavia :)
I know I know.. you'd like that.. haha :) But... You aren't touching this. I guess you and Vagadouche will have to get a room now... :)