If it were a private security firm that would be paid out of the church's pocket. But these guys are starting their own police department, not a security firm. That's the big difference Spurs. They are religious Police. Who sets the boundaries? Can they give out tickets to everyone or just the megachurch parishioners? Can they arrested me if they see me teaching children to listen to their hearts and not to believe everything in the Bible? It's too close to Sharia law. I wish everyone knew southern white men the way I do. My brother and "our" lawyer changed my mother's will while she was dying. I had the original. I was threatened by my lawyer when he saw I had the upper hand. He was a judge for decades and my mom knew what I'd be facing so we handled everything before she got really bad so I backed off. Thats one itty bitty story.
I could break your heart with the things I've seen southern white men get away with. Some of them still refuse to lower themselves by talking directly to a woman.
It's impossible to describe how ruthless white men are in the south. It's not like the rest of our country. That's why I left.