We were in contact via pm's going on for months.
There are some jumbled details of her early life which are a bit of a mystery. Being an illegal alien child of unknown parentage would be a possible and adequate explanation.
She had also shown me a partial of her face when she was going to do a reveal. Let's just say she's a slight shade darker than a redneck, though not quite brown either, so borderline.
She once said on a public meme that someone once gave her a YouTube link, and via that, he found her address and showed up at her door.
She also said she had to "kill" a certain memer that was a former close ally, so that's why he was no longer here. She had told me that he was threatening to use personal info against her, so she used personal info on him to blackmail him into staying off the site.
Don't know if those two are the same fella, but because of all that, she was ultra leary of any offsite contact with anyone.
She wanted me to join a trolling group on FB, but we both used fake accounts for that with no links to our real ones. I never got active in the group tho.
In the meantime, she kept getting reported for bs she was pulling on FB with multiple fake accounts, so finally got totally ban hammered.