Of course it is. I guess technically I should say progressivism. It’s all about splitting people in groups and then putting them against each other. Just read the writings of the early progressives. Look at the actions of libs in Washington and Hollywood
So you lied when you said you aren’t a liberal, and you are bigoted against Christians. You see, I took the liberty of looking at your past posts. I see no reason to have a useless discussion with you.
So if I am a Social Democrat or Conservative and I defend liberalism, I am a Liberal? Makes sense. Also, its the left who is supposed to cry bigot when they don't like someone eleses opinion
When I go look through his previous posts, I can make a decision as to whether he is a liberal, a conservative, a bigot, a saint, etc. My opinion is informed....
I don't care what you are …. stupid is what I would state you are with this one STATEMENT. If you can't handle someone giving you their opinion sign out of this program and NEVER get back on this site.