Ever analyze the sheer idiocy of the fantastic fantasies that 'genius' of physics, Stephen Hawkin, has put out? And the rest of his ilk? String theory, multi dimensions, alternate universes? We're supposed to be so dazzled by their amazing intellect (pumped up by wheelchair hot wheels, no less!) that we dare not laugh at their angels-on-a-head-of-a-pin buffoonery.
Even if Dr Carlson had contributed greatly to new developments in his field (he hasn't), that still doesn't qualify him for his position. Oh, wait, it does, he's one of Trump's "Look here, I got me a Negroid to prove I like the coloreds" token, or is he the last one left since the equally qualified Omarosa departed back into beng an idiot again?
Speaking of Drs, our very own Dr Sarcasm is currently engaged in proving AOC is not qualified for her Cum Laude grade college degreeS and elected position because she's not only a woman, she's a Puerto Rican one, and of course, we all know how stupid they are....