"And you're making a blanket statement that all teachers sleep with their students which is not true nor is it new."
Oh look the straw man is here. Show me the blanket statement that reads "ALL TEACHERS ARE SLEEPING WITH THEIR STUDENTS."
I guess, these are just more of the "facts" you were talking about the other day.
"My original comment to yours was in regards to the fact there was zero mention of any sexual related context in the original meme, however you decided to take it to left field, off topic, maybe because you're upset none of your teachers want to sleep with you or you are in fact a janitor. "
It appears more hand holding is required....the meme elevates one group over the other based on social standing. It does not consider the possibility that some teachers are morons, which WAS THE PURPOSE OF MY MEME...which I CLARIFIED HERE..."The meme is making an inference to the social position (and credibility) of teachers in relation to janitors. Teachers must be the "smart" group. The problem is, thats really not true, as evidenced by the number of idiot teachers who sleep with their students."
You, the champion short bus rider, somehow wrapped that into a strawman argument I never made, which was "all teachers are sleeping with students."
So please, its obvious your eyes are sewn shut, but perhaps, you should sew your hands together to prevent you from typing such stupid crap.