1. I already plainly pointed out that you were looking at actual numbers, not per capita. You're just using the most alarming sounding figure to push a narrative, and ignoring population inflation.
But if you want to go by actual numbers, yes, the hard number of unemployed people is higher than it's ever been... but then so is the hard number of /employed/ people. So I can just as legitimately say "There are more employed people in the US than ever before!"
Sometimes percentages can be used as a way of "lying by telling the truth", and sometimes hard numbers can. In this case, you're doing the latter; lying with hard, factual numbers.
As I said, the US population is almost twice the size that it was in the 60s, and on top of that the workforce has virtually doubled, with women entering the workplace en masse since then. Even a 1% unemployment rate is still probably more unemployed people than there were in the 60s.
2. As for this one, I'm no economist, and I'm willing to bet neither are you. Therefore, when even left wing media /begrudgingly/ admits the economy is "booming", I'll take their word over yours.