The reason for your comstant resorting to ad hominems and deflections are glaringly obvious, but in case you are oblivious to that as well:
When cornered into finally faking an argument, you allude to some argument which you have but won't state because, well, you know, you're so clever and that, therefore, is all that's required. And so if anyone was as clever as you, they would already be aware of your argument because it consists of nothing - which is, after all, the level of your astounding 'cleverness.'
The Commandement is "Thou shalt not MURDER," not "kill," and is thus the reason behind laws against murder without justifiable cause yet allowing for killing for reasons of self defense, capital punsihment, and war. Since abortion can be nudged either way across that line depending on interpretation of what is murder, that 'right' (rights magically bestowed unto us by the powers of creation) is the cause of contention.
All, including the arguments for and against, framed by Christianity. Period.