Yes, EVERY time they run these 'Special Counsel' type investigation things... they are ALWAYS able to come up with indictiments -- and usually can scare or coerce guilty pleas as well....
** The MAIN purpose of such unrelated or coerced indictments/convictions is SPECIFICALLY so that people like SPatoine will then go around an spout-off how 'successful' it was....
Ironically, if SPatioine (or any one of us) just happened to be sitting at the same bar, and looked like an easy target, they could very easily squeeze an inconsistency (lying to special counsel) in a couple hours of questioning under oath -- and thus will coerce a guilty plea (because fighting the charge WILL bankrupt the accused)...
SPatoine doesn't seem to get this (or/and doesn't want to).....
Cohen and Manafort are dirtbags, BUT the things they did have nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion', or 'obstruction'...
However, it is well-known to the orchestrators of these schemes, that there are plenty of people like SPatoine who will continue to spread rumors; these people are unfortunately being used, and don't even know it (it's too bad they don't get some money out of it, like 6- and 7-figure paid corruptocrats).