Socialism is the problem, hundreds of millions of dead tell the tale, it has never worked and never will, greedy leaders always ruin it. If you look back at my older memes you will see that I am not a republican although I would pick the worst of them over any socialist. I am a limited government and keep a close eye on them type. The only reason I support Trump is because he is real, even though he does things that drive me crazy he does tell you his plans. I am not used to that, I think most of Americas political elite are just criminals who demand respect for robbing us. I have been around the world a few times and the only way to build wealth is under a mostly capitalist government (there are not many). Billions will be born and die in whatever class they start, never given a chance to escape, socialism doesn't change that, it is a pipe dream of con-men and will lead to communism which will lead to extreme violence. You can pretend we are better but we are human.