are you stupid?
"regurgitating rightwing talking points is not a refutation"
is NOT a deflection,it is an observation of your failure to clearly make your point that socialism doesn't work.
ok,i guess I need to take more time out of my day to address your flaccid point.
1.have their been failures utilizing a socialist system=yes.
but that is where your little rigid ideology stops,that incurious inability to look at the bigger picture.
so on the one hand the countires you list did have a socialist economic system,but then conveniently ignores the other,myroad of reasons why they failed.
and another convenience you ignored were the social democracries,who do have socialist elements are probably the most successful to date.
but mentioning THOSE countries would not fit into your rigid ideology.
can't have anything that may conflict with your precious narrative now,can we?
so on this point?
you have failed,and failed epically.
now,on to your next "contention" which was so ridiculously ignorant I was trying to be nice.
but since this is soooo important to you.
let us address socialism in America.
let me give you an example.
just one.
you shop at Walmart?
most people do.
let me lay out a common deal most walmarts get from local,state and federal governments.
1.all access roads,streetlights,sidewalks and even the parking lot are paid for the local government,to the tune of millions of dollars.
payee:tax payer
2.deferred building costs in scroll,funded by the tax holiday (usually a ten year length) in the form of sales taxes.which means that the local government gives Walmart a tax holiday,and Walmart gets to keep all sales taxes (from 5%-9%),who then defer those taxes to pay for the structure,which can be 100's of millions.
*this means the taxpayers actually pays for the very building they are shopping in.
3.federal income tax (not SS) can be part of the holiday (and often is in the case of Walmart).so every employee that pays their state and federal taxes thinks those taxes are going to the state and the federal government,but in reality is being pocketed by Walmart and goes to pay executive bonuses.
*so the Walmart employees paying their executives bonuses.(amazon was also notorious using this tactic).
and this is only one company.
does this sound like capitalism?
of course not.
do you know what it is most like?
kindly,and politely..
f**k off.
/drops mic