I bin lookin for a new place too, found a condo with a view and I get to renovate. I live in a University town and holy crap is it expensive for students, how do you pay a grande a month in rent without working atleast 3/4 time and still go to school? Maybe wanna eat too, atleast one meal a day. I just finished working on some new student housing, not sure what they're gonna charge, but nice places. 4 rooms, 4 baths, 4 patios, 2 laundry and comunal kitchen n living in each unit.
Atleast staying with a grand parent is cool, I'm guessing she feeds you well. I lived with my grandfather a few years back, terrible cook, but I ate everyday, ham hocks, bovine heart, liver, beans and whatever was in the bottom of the fridge at the end of the week ha ha .