the laffer curve has serious issues,not dismissing it,just pointing out it is not the holy grail some economists pretend it to be.
and my meme specifically is criticizing those who are ignorant of our own history,and what marginal,progressive and even effective tax rates actually are.
just like I find the "taxes as theft" is ridiculously retarded,i equally find "tax us out of debt" to be just as naive'.
any way you wish to cut it.
our tax structure has been broken for a long time.
and right now,the dying American middle class has been burdened to the point of demolition.
here are some points that I think need serious attention:
1.companies like amazon tend to pay $0 in federal taxes.
2.many times these companies get sweetheart deals,where YOUR state taxes,and the sales tax is never paid to the state.the company is allowed to keep those taxes.(which is a form of I agree with people suspicious of socialism)
I just realized I would be here all day laying out just how f**ked our tax system is,and how it has become socialism for the rich.
so I will leave with this:
even 2500 years ago,the Athenians realized the necessity of taxation in order to sustain a civilized society.