"I bet you didn't know I'm also an independent. I like how you assume I'm some mainstream leftist. "
Well, judging from your previous post, can you seriously blame me? I mean, you too also made false assumptions, right? As I have pointed out, it is not a "minority" of a few SJW. This has been a nonstop whining and complaining by majority of the left since 2012.
" because the liberals I know are tolerant and can take a joke."
That... is a logical fallacy, right? Just because the ones you know are not like that, doesn't actually make it a statement of majority or minority. Such statement can only be examined by statistics, correct?
Let me walk this through, you said that I attribute a "minority" voice to the majority b/c of my experiences in reading a few things in the media. Correct? But, can you admit you did EXACTLY the same thing you just accused me of? By making an assumption based on a FEW of your OWN personal experiences?
I'm just asking for a fair evaluation.