This story and the misrepresentation of it by first the media (Of which some have backed off) and now by leftist memers here, who obviously haven't looked into it and only have the shallowest knowledge of it, has really pissed me off. Just another demonization of Trump supporters. People have the right to support the party they voted for without constantly being called racist or evil or attacked on the streets. Nothing the black Israelites said that was hateful was reported. No evidence of the kids shouting build the wall. No reporting on how the kids were being told to go back to Europe and it wasn't there country. Cutting out the part of the video where the old man approached the kids, while the old man lied about them surrounding him. So then twitter scum get on their high horses and call for minors to get doxxed for the high crime of smiling while some old man walked up to him and beat a drum in his face. So, yeah, I might be getting annoying but I won't let these lies and libel go unchallenged.
I don't think you're the worst troll here. I wish more people would comment on memes that don't make the hot page.