now, its not a word itself, i kind of made it, but it kind of fits me, i call it a S?sharupapettomasut?dere, S?sharupapettomasut? is social puppet master in Japanese, and it is were a person has the charismatic and manipulative skill to control people, or to bend them to your will, this dere doesn't straight up attack its target, it does more of a mental and/or emotional pain, they deceive people around that person and lie about them, or tell dark secrets about them, this will usually end up with this person becoming a servant to the dere, or the person will pull the plug if the dere has enough skill, and if none of these work and the target has to strong of a will, the dere will get physical, and it will be a lot worse experience for the target for the dere to get physical, even worse then a servant