A time or two that dollar wis in change. LOL. Parents must have got caught with no cash those days. My kids just get a dollar. I know some folks giving their kids like $10 or $20. I saw hell no to that!
I have had a time or two where I fell asleep and missed leaving the dollar. Had to try again the next night. My kids always like to leave something for the tooth fairy. Once it was onion powder, another time it was marshmallows. Little stuff like that. LOL
It was so sweet. One time they left a note for the Easter Bunny saying, "Dear Easter Bunny, will you please leave some candy for my Mommy too?" It was adorable! Of course I had to improvise a little to make an extra basket. LOL
I do love black licorice. Now the kids get their dad to take them to buy me Easter candy and they make me a basket every year. They are pretty good about trying to find my favorite stuff.
I made the mistake of accidentally clicking the notifications in the middle of the night when I wasn't ready to respond! I was just checking to see where I missed! LOL
Teeth at my house seem to come out unexpectedly. Then it's, aw crap, guess I gotta go to the ATM and then the store so Jr doesn't get a 20 under his pillow
My poor daughter....luckily she was older, like 10-11. We told her "there must have been a lot of kids who lost teeth. Tooth fairy visits the youngest ones first, she must've ran out of time"