"Even with the joke of a mission you sent to "assist" us, you STILL had demonstrations and protests about how you shouldn't have gone."
Well duh. Unlike America we have more than two Political parties with power. I would assume that the protest was organised by Die grünnen or Die Linken. They are were Anti-Military in general. That doesn't however mean we are unwilling to help in your time of need. Your actual time of need.
"owe you NOTHING. We certainly don't need to be putting ourselves at risk of fighting world war three for your sakes"
Ah yes, the last 70 years of American-German friendship and solidarity washed down a toilet by an orange. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Seriously though, you'd actually be
"Oh Russia's invading Europe? Who cares! Not like we made it our duty to protect the free world from Russian influence. Did you literally forget the Cold war!? America had everything to lose by losing Europe and still does to day.
"Britain, France, Poland, and maybe a couple of other nations in Europe are the ONLY european nations I'd ever call allies without it being a total joke."
I am sorry you think Poland gives two damns about you. The French and the British? Yeah I can agree on that. Though I am not sure after Brexit if Britain will have the time to send you troops. Seeing as there is seeious talk about a Minister for Food. Because there are just tgat many Brits who might starve that a Ministry is planned for that. Poland is busy with going down the path that Putins layed down for them and the French... The French are actually fine. I can imagine the French might send double that what we would send. So still not much, but a remarkable improvement.
"I'd take the Australians over you any day of the week, because they have actually shown that they take the alliance we have with them seriously"
Ah yes, the Military that lost a War against an Animal. And the oh so mighty Royal Australian Navy and Army. I didn't list Australia as one of Ameeicas remaining allies if Continental Europe ever fell, because they are weak but because they would be what you woild have left. So what makes the Australians more Valuable allies? Is it their coffee? Perhaps the couple of bases you have there? Nah, not as important as your biggest Military, Wconomic and political ally
"Your people haven't even slightly shown the same conviction."
With who and about what have you been talking about for the last few days?! We Germans respect our alliances That I promise