That's a cop out.
Just beacuse I like bacon (and sausage) taxpayers have to pay for hog farmers too lazy to raise their own hogs like they used too. Their kids stay inside with their xbox's while illegals are illegally hired at illegal substandard wages. They're so lazy, they're selling off the family farm at an alarming rate when they inherit it, because on occasion they might have to break a sweat making sure their illegals are toiling hard enough doing their work for them.
In addition, the resulting lowered food prices lead to cheap food that has turned Americans into the most obese people on earth, as well as allow for a third of produce to be thrown away simply because it is not aesthetically pleasing enough.
Eliminate subsidies, you will eliminate waste of tax revenue, waste of food, obesity, a major sector for the exploitation of illegal aliens, and lack of ambition and laziness with our own.
No matter which way you look at it, this is a multi pronged example of why socialism is bad.