The oppression lies in punishing Christian bakers if they don't provide the service, which they refuse to provide because of their beliefs. I'm not appealing to those who oppose interracial unions, I'm explaining why that's a false analogy (I'm glad you're not endorsing incestuous marriage #theslipperyslopeisreal ). Interesting that you say if I used similar arguments on people who oppose interracial marriage it wouldn't work, since you're putting yourself on a similar keel with those whose view is born of prejudice and/or ignorance.
You cite the theory that what causes homosexuality may be connected to another set of genes that confer a strong survival advantage, but you don't post any evidence (no links, books or names of scientists who came up with it) so your argument rings hollow. Even if that theory was true, it's not homosexuality itself that's advantageous. I have the science on my side and you chose to ignore it; ironic since anti-religious people like yourself tend to stereotype religious people like myself as being "anti-science" or "science-deniers".
I meant if most or all of the population was homosexual, it'd put the population at risk. Also, I never said they weren't capable of having children only that they seldom do. That bit about in-vitro and similar procedures still proves my point. I said gay people still need something from someone of the opposite sex to produce a baby; for in-vitro, the gay couple still needs either a man’s sperm or a woman’s uterus.
I wasn't calling homosexuality a mental illness. In hindsight, the schizophrenia comparison wasn't apt, so I retract that and say like problems arising from autism it can be worked around. The urge isn't sin, acting on it is. I'm not saying beat up gay people, call them names etc... I'm saying address it by pointing out the wrongness not forcing the person to stop or harming them. Also, bisexuals wouldn't have to abstain, they're still attracted to the opposite sex too.
I explained why it's not a human right, like the right to vote; people claim voting’s a human right but children, illegal immigrants and convicted felons can't vote. By the way, your "they can't bear children" point also applies to gay couples unless they bring in another person. We're not talking about all laws effecting LBGT people, just gay marriage, so you misrepresent me there.