all I know is I had a career before Obama, it got destroyed by Obama Administration regulations (oh you can build a coal plant if you want to but it will bankrupt you) and for most of his 8 years in office, a large share of my so called prime earning years for retirement I was unemployed, like thousands of other people around me. That's not who we are, you didn't build that, red line. Okay I'll give him credit for being a blowhard as well as a windbag. I'm just grateful the arrogant jerk is gone. You don't know when Trump is brawling or taunting or joking for his base. Fact is Trump erased Obama's phone and pen accomplishments and while the media salivates like Pavlov's Dogs (Russian guy by the way) over imagined Russian meddling Trumpster has been implementing over 300 different agenda items that will transform the US for decades. Hee, hee, hee. BTW- the media sucks and Trump won't let them hide it.