I've seen that supposed debunkment and it's wrong. Of the two of us, I'm the more honest and factual because I cite my sources while you go into denial and fire off baseless claims. Again, I won't reply to you until you share your sources of information (books, websites, etc...), even if you later pretend you debunked me.
None of them are confirmed as being born on December 25, that's just a date chosen by some of their later followers to commemorate the births; also chosen for commemoration by Christians at the time as an olive branch to pagans. They have a few shared elements, and correlation doesn't equal causation so these shared elements don't prove Jesus a rip-off.
There's no mention of Cybele/Nana being a virgin in her mythology, that came later after the mythology changed over time. The idea of a crucified Attis was mixed because he died from a self-inflicted castration and lay at the base of a literal tree. Also Attis was a shepherd by trade while Christ was a carpenter by trade who used the shepherd term as a metaphor. Since the terms in the ancient language were used interchangably (similar to "wind" gust of air and "wind" a winding motion) some people mistakenly thought Attis was crucified. Gasparro [Gasp.Sot, 106] avers that the sources show an evolution in the Attis cult in response to Christianity because the story of Attis has changed over time. A. T. Fear, in an essay devoted entirely to this subject [Fear.CC, 41-2] notes the Attis cult "did modify itself in significant ways with the passing of the years" and concludes, based on the dated evidence, that the ways of the Attis cult similar to Christianity "seem to have been provoked by a need to respond to the challenge of Christianity." In this case, the church was Pokemon, and the Attis people were doing the Digimon ripoff.
Isis was called the great virgin long after the original mythology, which doesn't prove Horus was born from a virgin birth. At most, Isis was a virgin before she had sex with Osiris to produce Horus, which isn't a virgin birth - unlike Christ. I've found no evidence of Horus having 12 followers at any one time other than claims from mythicists like you. Horus also never died, his dad Osiris did.
Christ and Christianity predate Mithras, who was born from a rock not a virgin Anahita (who's from another religion), his "12 disciples" weren't disciples but zodiacs as satellites, and the zodiacs are a mix of animals and people.