Feinstein is pro EPA. She campaigns and votes in favor of it. Why?
First, what is the EPA? An agency that places costly restrictions and taxes on businesses and enforces those restrictions with fines. It's essentially a money speed bump to business.
Feinstein supports the EPA why? Because her husband makes money from Chinese business investments. The EPA has done so much damage to the US economy that China has been able to overtake certain markets, many of which Feinsteins husband has investments in.
Protecting the environment is good, nobody can argue that, but there's a better way to do it than sacrificing the country for Feinsteins personal wealth.
Trump signed the Save our Seas Act today which adresses countries like China and Japan who dump millions of tons of trash into the ocean that drifts to our coast. The goal is cleanup of the ocean. That's good environmental protection because it's going to create jobs.
The more you know.