He was the Jehovah of heaven. He condescended to be born into mortality, experiencing the hardships that come with it -- hunger, thirst, tiredness, physical pain, etc. He was always serving other people, and organizing His church and patiently teaching His apostles. Despite all the opposition from the Pharisees and lawyers, He never once lost His temper.
That Thursday night in Gethsemane, Jesus undertook the infinite Atonement to save mankind. Our little brains cannot comprehend how He descended into the depths of Adam's Fall with each of us, vicariously suffering our diseases, disorders, temptations, heartbreaks, and other hardships, that He may know according to the flesh how to comfort and strengthen us (Alma 7:9-14). And He took the punishment for our sins, paying our debt to eternity's justice. The physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual agony was far greater than any other person could ever endure.
After the literal Hell in Gethsemane, Jesus allowed a mob to arrest Him on trumped up charges. For hours, He endured the false accusations, the spits, and the slaps of the Jewish leaders, never retaliating. He had the power to end it at any time, but He didn't. He also let the Romans scourge Him with a whip that had sharp bits of bone and metal in it. They also mocked Him by placing a crown of thorns on His head. And He was presented in this humiliating condition to the masses. Condemned to death, He had to carry His own cross up the hill Golgotha (aka Calvary). He was offered an anesthetic to dull the pain, but He refused.
Jesus was martyred in the prime of His life--at most, He was 34 years old. And His death came by crucifixion--one of the worst ways for a person to go. The Romans took His clothes for themselves. They drove metal spikes through His palms, wrists, and feet, nailing Him to the cross. He hung there for hours, exposed to the bright sun. Passersby were free to mock and insult Him. Crucifixion means dizziness, cramp, thirst, starvation, sleep deprivation, traumatic fever, tetanus, mortification of untended wounds, and public humiliation. The unnatural position makes every movement painful. The lacerated veins and crushed tendons throb with agony. The wounds are inflamed by exposure and gradually gangrened. The arteries in the person's head and stomach become swollen, and oppressed with surcharged blood. Jesus spent at least six hours in this condition before finally declaring it was finished.