Not exactly.
NK went hungry because of sanctions going back to the Korean War. The average North Korean is 3" shorter than their South Korean counterpart. This is generations spanning, not a recent phenomenom.
Clinton screwed up, but that's what he gets for being what - a Republican in disguise who had to kow tow to Repub wishes because they 'forced' his hapless self to by Newt's imposing personality *yawn* and because he was a self serving prick who used foreign skirmishes as distraction for his extracurriculer activities.
Sanctions increased over the years, and got really turned up by whom? Yes, the same guy who stopped feeding them, Obama. The US had given them 90% of its food and whatever else. Now China had to pick up the slack and take care of its proxy. Otherwsise business as usual.
The Fart of the Deal 101:
1. Kim is fat, and his people worship him (standing for him as Trump 'jokingly' *wink* stated he wished we would of our Great Leader too), he couldn't give a crap about his starving obedient vassals. The guy killed members of his own immediate family, fer cryin out loud, empathy ain't part of the Dictator Handbook.
2. Kim was never going to nuke the beejeezus out of Guam. It's called bluffing. And he got exactly what he wanted. Melting Guam serves no purpose, and is an expensive waste of nuclear material.
3. What Kim got with nukes is clout. Rogue countries like NK, Iran, Pakistan have sought nukes not to bomb, but to get a seat at the big boys' table, just like Russia and China before them. So far, such has been a resounding success.
4. What Kim got is what no leader of any free country would give him, a meeting gushing with a heaping of mushy cringe, recognition, and validation - at least with one new fanboy.
5. NK is offline. Rumor has it that citizens literally never head of the internet. This is floppy disk city, and all records are old school top secret. Even if he agreed to give up nukes - there is no accord drawn out stipulating this, mind you - and handed over a couple to satisfy the willfully fooled - he will never, ever sever himself from the art of the nuke, a few stashed away with no accessible records along with the tech how-to, not that that's necassary because they already know how.
The notion that Kim Jung-un is going to give away that which made the President of what used to be the leader of the world slobber all over him with the best lipstick money can buy is naive and without foundation.