Hun, I saw the bigger picture with MY hometown boy TWO DECADES before you were even born, and over four before you russkie bot traitors got him elected.
You tried to get me on your side, cuz face it, these automated dimwitted republitards are a tad limited - after all, there ain't much a rubble paid idiot can do with a script other than repeat it. Not to mention, an embarrasment as well, just like Hitler's Brownshirts you're modeled after. He had them boys nixed when he was done, btw.
I thought you were funny at times, had a thought or two, but 'your' answers quickly shorten, ending in juvenile spurts of "yore retahdud lol" (or whatever your autocorrect mispells for ya *wink*)
You do know that after the Trumps go to jail, you Putin recruits get rounded up too. Ninja and Sith realized the party's over and ditched. But you? You might get to meet your idol after all.
Just kidding, you won't.
Still haven't answered why that bs about me & dv's, but I have noticed on 2 fp memes comments from you, many with 0 uv's, unlike before. Maybe your butboys can fill in the gap for what I used to do.
Enjoy yourself while you can, 2019 is just a prison term away....