The amount of mercury in vaccines is tiny. I did work with vaccine injuries, there is no scientific evidence that any compound in any vaccine (except for the virus/pathogens in them) causes any injuries associated with vaccines. The autism link was absurd. The vaccines became safer and autism skyrocketed. I believe there is an environmental cause related to autism—but think about it. These are vaccines for deadly diseases. Some people are immune to some deadly diseases and some people are more succeptible to them. Those more susceptible people would die from a disease that can injure them with a vaccine. When a plague strikes, huge numbers of people die—but there’s always a number of people who either recover or that don’t get it. It’s nature. Some people have good immune systems and some don’t. Almost all vaccine injuries are immune system related. Since it is impossible to tell if a vaccine is defective or a person has a naturally compromised immune system, there is an injury fund. But there has never been evidence of toxic vaccines. But, yes, there have been defective batches and people have been injured, but the number is tiny.