No my friend, not at all. I'm right there with you.
I'm not liberal vs. conservative in the political sense. I lean more towards conservative policy issues when it comes to economics but I'm socially liberal on many issues. I am very centrist and libertarian. But on moral issues, I am very conservative.
I don't think that our "political persuasions" should inform or dictate our morals. However, our morals should and often do dictate our political persuasions.
When I talk about "conservative women" I mean morally conservative and upstanding whether or not they are political conservatives (Republicans,) hence the title.
When I see Democrats and Republicans arguing online, I post this because I think it is retarded:
Since you fail to understand and have no problem using the fallacy of 'hasty generalization' I'm not surprised that you use the fallacy of ad hominem attacks. Please display for us more of your vast intellect and rhetorical skills.
I agree with you but
you used fallacy-fallacy and ad hominin. you also attempted a rebuttal solely off of pointing out fallacies, which is also a fallacy.
If you or MysticCrusader can point out how his argument has any merit on its own I'll admit to using the fallacy fallacy. I didn't presume that his position is invalid because he uses fallacies and can't argue.
However, there are no ground for claiming that I used an ad hominem towards MysticCrusader. If you generalize people as some derogatory name/title without knowing them and/or having evidence to prove such accusations you are a "scumbag" and a bad person and I will mock you and your poor intellect for doing it. I do it a lot here on imgflip.
You deserve a consolation prize for trying:
I am well aware of the subliminal, indirect, reverse, psychological, warfare which is being waged by the leaders of our country against its citizens.
I've been studying it for years. I am aware of the "grand plan" to install a dictatorial government here in America. I am aware of the fascism going on openly and "behind the scenes" in America.
I am also aware that when fascism comes to America it will come in the guise of "anti-fascism" and that is exactly what is happening in our streets and the houses of Congress. They are ushering it in and allowing it to happen in the streets "because of Trump and the alt-right," which are only pawns in the problem-reaction-solution dialectic.
So, if you are going to blanketly label "political conservatives" as fascists (even though the title of my meme makes clear that I wasn't talking about them necessarily) then you are no better than the Leftists who are being used to try to take away our rights and using fascist tactics in the streets.
The only way you can argue for entire groups of people being fascistic is if the entire group uses those tactics (like the antifa leftists) or follows that philosophy (like the Nazis.) Otherwise you will be committing the fallacy of generalization or genetic fallacy. For individuals you can argue on the personal level and present your evidence and see if my "peanut shell sized brains can understand." In other words, "put up or shut up."