When people in a society start saying that prepubescent children can make serious life altering choices, like starting hormone therapy, in order to find their identity and/or explore their sexuality there will be child molesters and perverts out there who will use those same arguments and say other children (not just the dysphoric children) should also be able to "explore their sexuality" and "find themselves" and the perverts "just want to help them."
When you say "tolerant" adults let the children make their own choices, that is what the perverts are hoping for.
A little research will show you that many preteens are having hormone therapy and in some places if the parents want the child to wait until they are more mature the child can report the parents to child protective services. They can't get a drivers license issued by the state but they're mature enough to take hormones that will sterilize them and possibly give them mood disorders and/or a chemical imbalance.
I didn't say "you have confirmation bias" rather "maybe" you have it. Your reply seems to confirm it since you say you have never heard of "children" having hormone therapy. Are preteens (12 or younger) children to you? Some people are allowing children younger than that to "choose" hormone therapy.
Good for you if you never advocate for children having hormone therapy. You should speak out against it, but that would put you at odds with the prevailing mindset of your community. Even though you don't advocate for it you still say the child should be able to choose it. How is a child mature enough to weigh the consequences and other possible side effects to make that type of decision? The parents are the ones paying for it, providing for it, and allowing it to happen so how are they not responsible for it?