Hey, RadecKillzone, sorry to hear you're going through such a hard time. I can't add much to what Adjusted said, she gives some good advice. But hang in there and don't be afraid to seek out some help. I have for years had to deal with a serotonin imbalance which causes me to have social anxiety disorder and depression, so I can somewhat relate. For me at times the anxiety and down feelings can overwhelm. But several years ago I sought out medical help and got it diagnosed, and with a light dosage of medication I was able to bring things back into balance and it made a huge difference. I was able to ween off the medication by taking potassium supplement. I have no idea if that would be anything that could help you, but from my research I've found out potassium deficiency is a root cause of many anxiety, mental, and addictive disorders. Anyway, extra potassium is good for you and can't hurt. And of course seeking out friends and folks who can help and listen and pray with you etc will help. As for memeing, I'd encourage you to keep your account. For me, memeing and having fun on here keeps sane lol But it seriously helps as an escape from stress and anxiety. I've also struggled to get traction at times, but finally have made it about half way up the leaderboard. Adjusted is exactly right, the secret to success here is to comment on other's memes, and respond when they comment to you. If you can't think of anything clever to say, just say thank you and tell them you've upvoted etc. Without commenting and interacting I'd be nowhere on here. Anyway, I'll take a look over your memes and give you some upvotes. Hope this is helpful and I wish you the best. Hang in there!