FYI - it looks like you may have found some loophole here... Or perhaps the rule was changed - but you used to need 1000 points to meme Comments - as you did here. So in that cause, and as a general point of ImgFlip netiquette , one way to help each other, and show mutual respect and harmony... Is by upvoting comments to you, or that you're replying towards - it's just good form, manners, etc.. I notice that amongst the newer and younger users, this seems to have largely been abandoned ...which seems like a shame, to me. People helping people...solidarity...playing nicely with others...these are things which help keep us together as a society...
It may not even change anybody's totals - on an old meme like this one... But it still feels like the right thing to do - unless you gave some major issue with what was being said, etc. .