Hey, wicked dark man, want to give you something to think about (I am a hardcore scientist)!: the second law of thermodynamics, and with it information theory, as it is taught today, is utter scrap. And so is part of the math, on which a lot of present-day physics is based (seriously!). The definition of god in the bible (New Testament, John 1.1: en Archêi ên ho Logos, kai ho Logos ên pros ton Theon, kai Theos ên ho Logos" - "in the beginning there was "ho logos", and ho logos was with the god and god was "ho logos") is the correct one, if "ho logos" is translated correctly, as Heraklit interpreted it: the law of the universe. But we are far away from knowing this mathematical-physical law. As I said: big bugs in math and - as a consequence and also independently - in theoretical physics. Don't believe in what they are presently teaching in the schools, it doesn't make sense!