Now that we can identify as whatever we want, it won't be long before referring to ourselves as the human race will also consider us racist. Just saying
It's apparently racist to say you don't see race. So apparently Raydog is a racist. Apparently.
3 ups, 8y,
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Soon it will be like that episode of South Park where people from the future traveled thru time to get a job and they were all of a single race and spoke 1 language. Soon we won't be allowed to identify as anything without offending anyone. It is bad enough being a white christian straight male, we offend everyone.
I don't watch south park so I didn't catch that reference
3 ups, 8y
I really don't watch it either, just happened to see that episode a few years ago while traveling for work. It was actually about how they were making fun of how everyone was blaming Mexicans for coming here illegally and taking everyone's jobs.
I am all those thingz as well (save being 'NASCAR fan' or 'AlabamaMan [with WIFEBEATER and SIX-PACK - bail money not included]') and yet I have no problem as an anti-racist ally...for the most part. Keeping people divided is the first step in controlling them. To the extent that others in the movement have a history of abuse and associations (both systemic and personal) which cause them to view me thru a certain prism (that I might be like other folks who've wronged them...)I can accept that. And in time - they tend to come around and regard me based on what I do and say. Understanding is a 2 way street usually. Those whom you do little to try and understand - will likely do the same for you.
Humans are a species... not a race...
like dog is a species, and it contains several races....
there's nothing wrong acknoledging races exists...
what is wrong is to beleive a some are superior to others.