You are claiming that reading the bible without confirmation bias caused mass murders, events which have great emotional appeal, in order to attack the character of God.
You are obviously straw-manning the biblical positions on interpretation, loving our enemies, how to treat our fellow man, and human free will. Biblical interpretation must be without confirmation bias. If you go to the bible looking to find what you want to do, you will find it no matter how immoral, unethical, or evil it may be. But if you go the bible looking to do what God commands then you will love your and pray for enemies and treat all people you come into contact with the way you want to be treated!
You are trying to make the claim that either God gave man a free will or He didn’t. That is a false dichotomy because God gave us a will to make choices but our will is not autonomous as in we are not accountable to anyone or anything outside of ourselves. You also seem to be begging the question whether or not God makes people do evil. But what man mean for evil God uses for good (Genesis 50:20) because He is in sovereign control.