Son, I've done the research, I know the facts, the difference is that I don't get all my facts filtered through right-wing websites. I follow all media - liberal, conservative, or moderate. 'Radical' means those who use extreme means, and far-right conservatives are the ones who are most likely to fall off into terrorism if they don't get their way, like conservative Muslims. America became the strongest country after Word War II because it used it's power to support the liberal world order: rights, freedom, democracy, free trade, globalisation, free movement of peoples, and open minds through strong education. The current occupant of the oval office is weakening this great country because he pursues whatever makes him look good, not what is best for the United States. A slogan on a hat does not a great country make; what does is a free people who are not under the mental bondage of a political philosophy that seeks to diminish their capabilities and close their minds, in the name of so-called 'traditional' values. Conservatism seeks to make people weak and subservient.