reminds me of when I was in about grade 9. I was grew up in Saskatchewan and two families in my town hosted exchange students from Quebec. Those girls were wise beyond their years. They knew far more than how to make poutine lol.
Leila says thank you! I'm now allowed supervised visits with Trixie.....yup, supervised!! Ha ha! Her and Applejack are watching YouTube right now together!! :)
See any carpet you like? Lol. I know exactly where on Mtn, Industrial you're headed, when I did plumbing we had a supply house just off Stone Moutain Freeway @ Mountain Industrial! That's definitely a "wait till after traffic" destination! Lol
Remember that I-85 in both directions is still shout down in both directions due to that fire underneath the Interstate, that traffic has to go somewhere, it's a freaking mess!
I'm doing my darnedest to get outta here! Won't be long now! I sent u my ph#. So help me God this is gonna happen if I have to club baby seals to do it! I think I'd like to use a 7 iron!! Lmao! :)
I don't sleep, I catnap thoughout the day...if you get there (for example) at 3:00am, I be there @ 3am! Take your time, I certainly am in no hurry, it's traffic till at least 7pm, so I'll be right here! No worries! :)
Wikipedia says it originated in Quebec so DashHopes will have to take responsibility for it. ;) I must say it contains three of my essential food groups: starch, cheese, and gravy.