I have only met two people in my lifetime from there so it's probably pretty bad that I base everything on them. Is however the opinion I've gathered from the locals almost everywhere I have been so I guess there is that as well. I mean they did only recently stop treating black people in frickin' Africa like they were the ones that didn't belong there, that says a lot about somebody I think, to be able to go to a place you aren't indigenous to and treat those that are like they are in your way, and that's putting it mildly lol! If I visit another country I want to become friends with some locals so I might get invited to places that tourists miss out on. If I was interested in going somewhere to feel like I'm better than the people that live there I'd just go to D.C. and sit in on a few sessions of Congress bwahahaha! In all seriousness though, I believe traveling should be as much about meeting people as seeing where they live. I can look at pictures of any place on the planet, I go to those places to see how different or the same the people that live there are from me. Hoping that maybe we have things we could learn from each other, or at least I from them, unless they want to know what it's like to have 100 types cereal to choose from at the store or that my country throws away more food in a month than theirs has to offer in 5 years. Ooops my haven't been in the States for a while so I feel like I know something is showing ;)